Skin Deep

OK girls. I am on day 6 of a new skin care regime. I was using Proactiv but I had run out and needed some new stuff and let's face it, when you have to order something online and wait for it to be delivered, especially something like face wash, it is less than convenient. Well when bff S was here she was telling me about Acne-Free. Her roommates use it and she said its just like Proactiv with the three steps but it's less expensive and it's at drugstores. So think of it as the generic to Proactiv. So far it is working great! I really like it and it is VERY similar to the Proactiv products, so if you are looking for a less costly alternative (Acne-Free is about $20, while Proactiv is about $40 I think) or need to try something different, check it out!

Happy Tuesday!


One Bite At A Time said...

Thanks for posting that info! I use Arbonne right now it its not working what so ever. I will give this a try!

Muffy said...

OOOOOOOH! I may have to give this a go! THANKS!

mmmelissa said...

Jeremy uses this and loves is! I've seen machines (kind of like soda machines) in malls that carry Proactiv. It's kind of odd but a bit more convenient.

mmmelissa said...

*loves it, not is

Katy said...

I tried that and proactiv, but I found that I got the best results from the Clean and Clear Advantage Acne Control kit. It was actually cheaper than the one you are talking about... and you can get a $5 coupon from Clean and Clears website.

Hopsy said...

Oh thank you for this tip. I JUST cancelled my PorActiv two days ago and was going to find something new and better, this could be it!