Monday Musings

Good Morning Friends!

Yesterday was Ashley's second bridal shower and I wanted to share a picture of the blushing bride to be with my gift:
I mentioned before getting the popcorn popper with some cute popcorn boxes and a neflix gift certificate as a shower gift. So I packaged all that up and I think Ashley and Manolo will get a lot of use out of this :)

In other news, I have turned on comment approval because I was spammed overnight in the comment department. I'll approve all comments unless you send me chinese characters. K thanks!

L has a big recruiting fair tomorrow that will at the very least, help him secure a full time internship for this coming summer, and at most, help him make some contacts that could lead to job or co-op right now. Please say a prayer around 10 tomorrow morning--we'd appreciate it!!

Have a good Monday! Follow me on twitter to keep up with me during the day @ehkinsey ;)



AmyKristen said...

What an adorable gift idea!!! :) You're too sweet!

QueenBeeSwain said...

will say a prayer for L, hope the recruitment fair went well

