How many times have you purchased a monogrammed item, used it a few times and then moved on to the latest and greatest monogrammed piece? Or maybe as a mom, you have the cutest monogrammed outfit made for your child's birthday party or photo shoot only to retire it immediately after the event. SO, if this applies to you or if you like shopping for monogrammed gifts, you need to head over to the The Monogram Swap.

The Monogram Swap is a website that allows shoppers to list gently used monogrammed items for sale on their site. Until December 1st you can list your items for FREE!! The best part is you set the price for your item and if it sells you keep all the money (minus a tiny 10% transaction fee). As The Monogram Swap was launched earlier this month, there isn't a ton of inventory on the site, but hopefully as the word spreads, the site will fill with more and more lovely things! So rack your brain and your closet and see if you have anything to put on the site or have anyone you can recommend it to. Think outside the box too, I love finding pretty linens and silver pieces that have been previously monogrammed with someone else's initials for an interesting, almost antique feel.
Hopefully you'll find a few gems and maybe sell a few too ;)

I am so checking this place out!
ps- wweeeeeeeeeeeeeee! so excited about winning the headband! I am going to check out the etsy site to double-confirm that I want the magnolia one! thank you so much :)
Wow! What a fantastic idea! I'm heading over right now!
OMG.. I've so needed a place like this my kids entire lives!!
Just found your blog! Love it, and will be back again and again!
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