What I'm Reading

Currently Reading:

Waiting in The Wings:



Melissa's Thoughts said...

Thank you thank you thank you for posting these books. I wanted to read Julia Childs book, but didn't know the name of it. Hitting up the library this weekend. :)

preppyinnewengland said...

My next read is Julia's book as well that I got as a present. I'm looking forward to the read.

QueenBeeSwain said...

can't wait to hear how the SK book is- you will LOVE JC's book. LOVE!


Anonymous said...

I have been reading twenties girl for 4 months. {yep you read that correctly} I am having the hardest hardest time getting into it! I hope you finish and the ending is wonderful! Thanks for putting up the Julia Child book! :o)

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

You are going to love love both of them! I need to mix a little lighter happier read into my up and comers! My holiday break reads, which I will chare soon, were all so wonderful, but mostly sad!

Posh Peach said...

I read Twenties Girl and loved it. So cute and fun to read!

Marie said...

Love her confessions series! And I enjoyed Julie and Julia so would most likely enjoy Julia's book and her point of view.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
January Charmed bracelet giveaway!

*Pink Preppy Party Girl* said...

That Julia Childs book is on my list too. I also want to read "The Help"

Anonymous said...

LOVE Miss Julia! She is uber-popular again because of the Julie&Julia movie, I hope it wins a Golden Globe of some kind tonight! Fingers crossed!