Previews of J. Crew Weddings Fall 2010 have been circulating all over the blogosphere and this little number looks like the perfect getaway dress! I fully intend on wearing my wedding gown throughout the reception, but I've always loved the idea of a quick change right before leaving (a la Annie Banks in Father of the Bride) Did you leave your reception in your wedding gown or did you do a quick change?

This dress is super cute! I wore my wedding gown, though, because I was 1. obsessed with it, 2. didn't see a dress I loved enough to justify wearing for 5 minutes.
That dress is beautiful and I am doing a quick change before we leave. I just want an excuse to wear another dress. ;)
~Meg @ "Through the Roses"
I did leave my reception in my dress, but if I had gotten a going away dress, Annie Banks would have been the reason why! I love that movie!!
Cute dress! Yes, I left in a getaway dress-white little strapless number. However, just a reminder...the day of the wedding you are going to be SOOOO busy getting ready you may forget some things. Have someone in charge of your getaway dress. I remembered the dress but forgot a bra!! How embarrassing?!? (I had one built in to my wedding dress so it slipped my mind.) I ended up cutting it out of my wedding dress to put in my getaway dress b/c you would have been able to tell had I not...HAPPY PLANNING it's the most exciting time of your life :)
Cute dress! That would be perfect for a getaway outfit.
I run a clothing line out of my home and just made one of my best friends her getaway dress for her wedding this weekend. She looked darling, and I love that she changed into something more relaxed to hop away to her honeymoond!
I bought a second dress (ivory J. Crew Emma - this was 3 years ago and it was the big dress of the moment) and absolutely meant to do a change near the end of the reception for dancing & our getaway. Even bought a matching ivory silk faille headband. I ended up getting so caught up in the moment I completely forgot to change. :( I keep meaning to have the dress dyed black so I can actually wear it!
Kept meaning to comment and just got distracted!!
I bought a 'going away' (that's what we all called it) dress-- it was ivory lace by Betsey Johnson. I went ahead and changed because a) my $3200 wedding dress was NOT getting smashed into the back seat of a small limo b) we were heading straight to the hotel at the airport c) we were leaving at 6 the next morning ... so I didn't want to take my dress along, only to either end up taking it on the honeymoon (can you imagine carting around a cathedral length train? me either) or someone would have had to come pick it up... 45 minutes one way from where we all lived. Just made so much more sense to me-- and it was a huge relief at the end of the night to change because my dress was heavy silk with heavy beading and it was hot and cumbersome after 8 hours. You know?
Besides, if you're leaving for your honeymoon right off, your new Mr. will probably need to change so he can leave his tux (I'm assuming, sorry) with someone to be returned the next day. Here, at least, you get charged an arm and a leg if the tux is even a day late- and they always want them returned the day after use!
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