Getting Back in the Game & Our Coffee Table

Good morning!  Every feel out of your groove?  Like you just aren't doing the things you'd like to be doing or normally do?  I don't know if it's wedding related, work related, or simply lazy summertime,  but lately I have not been doing some of the things I love to do.  Like cooking or reading or baking, even my wedding planning has hit a plateau (brides know what I mean, you get to that place where there aren't super urgent tasks to be done).  But no more! I am using this back to school, Fall-ish atmosphere in the air to get back at it and become a little more me...first up, baking scones and making a delicious dinner tonight! 

In other news, last weekend after a beach trip, I popped into a local antique store and found this delightful surprise:
Readers: our new coffee table, new coffee table: my readers.  Now our little diamond in the rough needs some cleaning and a nice piece of glass on top, but once that's done, vintage, uber-fabulous coffee table here we come! Did I mention is was made in the 1800s? ;)



WorthyStyle said...

That is a super-cute idea. I love the legitimate vintage trunks. In Atlanta, for whatever reason, you can find a ton of old Louis Vuitton ones. But I like yours more as it is so neutral!

Pink Champagne said...

I am completely obsessed with old trunks as coffee tables. What a fabulous find, miss!