(I did not receive payment or product in exchange for this post)
Last week I got an email from Marce at My Custom Yoga Mat. She was inquiring about our Monogrammed Monday feature and shared her adorable product with me! I immediately went to the website and fell in love with these mats!
Marce and her friend Allison have created a site where you can customize your own yoga mat. Aside from the great monogram, thread color and mat color choices, the mats come adorably wrapped and you don't have to be a yogi to enjoy one! They are perfect for other forms of exercise, like sit-ups, push-ups, weight training, etc. I even thought it would be great for kids as an activity mat for play-doh, painting, etc.
The mats are a reasonable $35.00 and will arrive to you in about 10 days. There are 20 yoga mat colors, 18 embroidery thread colors and 5 fonts--so it's quite easy to make your mat your own!

So cute!! I will definetly be adding them to my holiday wish list!!
What a positively adorable idea! I have a few friends this would be perfect for. Thanks for the fab inspiration as always! :) xoxx Happy Monday!
mycustomyogamat.com has made the world famous
"O" list!!!!!! Thats right if you get this months Oprah Magazine and turn to page 96 you will see us!!!!!!!
Also everyone that enters the promo code "Oprah" will receive a 20% discount on their order!!!!!!! Hurry the promo code only lasts for 29 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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