Swoon-Worthy Friday: Mason Jars

I LOVE Mason Jars! They were a huge part of our wedding reception decor and I love that I now have tons of vintage ones to use around my house, post-wedding.  I love seeing the jars re-purposed for lighting and I'm currently using about 3 different kinds as vases in my house as we speak.

Take a look at photo 4, straight from our wedding reception--thanks Studio 222, it's one of my favorite shots!

1. source, 2. source, 3. source

PS: Happy Happy 21st Birthday to my baby sister!! xoxo



  1. Love the mason jars with tea lights, gorgeous!

  2. I love mason jars, too!!! They add a nice southern touch. I have a friend who is using mason jars as a large part of her wedding reception too!

  3. LOVE Mason jars! Such a great look.

  4. ooh i love mason jars! and such a great idea using them at your reception! if you check out my post "here comes peter cottontail!" i show how i use a favorite mason jar!

  5. I am a HUGE fan of mason jars - it just doesn't get anymore southern than that! And I love how you used them at your reception - what a great idea!

  6. i adore mason jars! i acutally have a blog post saved as a draft on only mason jars!

    your blog is adorable!! :)
