Show Us Your Singles Link Up

So it's show us your singles day over at Kelly's Korner (don't you love Kelly and her sweet girls?!) and it's high time I linked up to share all kinds of juicy gossip on my baby sister, Courtney.

Courtney is 21 and while everyone will say this about their person, she's AWESOME, and she actually is.  She is hands down THE funniest person I know, a history nerd buff and a zumba enthusiast.  She makes a mean margarita and is always prepared with hand sanitizer...because really who likes germs?


Recent Graduate: from THE Florida State Universiry (go noles! gators need not apply...just kidding!) with a degree in history.   Is currently looking to work in education or at a museum.

Hometown: Quincy, FL (near Tallahassee)

Current City: Orlando, FL

Religion: she hearts Jesus

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

Maintains a crazy tan from March-August


Music: She appreciate the classics, particularly the Beatles & the Eagles, but loves Country and is always up for a little Jay-Z, because she's cool like that.

The Brits: the people, their accents, their musicians...she loves 'em

Books: Isn't that a pre-req for a History major?  She always a paperback or two on hand.

General You Tube Hysteria: She may have a penchant for hysterical You Tube videos of the kiddie pageant and Target Lady variety.

Monograms and Republicans: Because let's face it...the two naturally go together.

You're intrigued aren't you?! Admit it. 

In all honesty, she may be my sister, but regardless she is always first on my list of my people I most enjoy being with.  She makes everything fun and no matter what you do, you'll be laughing hysterically the whole way through (ha! that rhymed).  She's smart and kind and incredibly witty and you would love her, I just know it.

If you want to talk to Coco, as I like to call her, and find out more about her, leave a comment with your name, email and your blog or facebook.


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